If you have unwanted fatty tissue pockets, Lipo Cavitation is one of the most advanced slimming systems on the market. Using Ultrasound, Lipo Cavitation is a treatment that encourages your body to convert fat cells to liquid. These cells are then metabolised through your body’s natural removal processes. The treatment is entirely painless and uses no injections or anaesthesia, making it the perfect non-invasive treatment to remove fat and cellulite. Lipo Cavitation is the breakthrough treatment for you, whether you want to reduce abdomen, thigh, arm or hip fat or want to regain body confidence. Most see an immediate difference in their appearance after just one session, with optimum results.
Safe and clinically proven fat removal and cellulite reduction located in abdomen, tights, arms or hip fat
Improvement in skin tone, texture and smoothness, which continue to improve over time
No invasive, non-surgical, no scars, no pain, the client can return to daily activities immediately after the treatment
What you like to know
No, The ultrasound lipo cavitation is not painful.
Ultrasound lipo cavitation is one of the most advanced slimming systems on the market. Encourages your body to convert fat cells to liquid. These cells are then metabolised through your body’s natural removal processes.
Safe and clinically proven fat removal and cellulite reduction are located in the abdomen, tights, arms or hip fat—improvement in skin tone, texture and smoothness, which continue to improve over time. No invasive, non-surgical, no scars, no pain, the client can return to daily activities immediately after the treatment.